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    We work in rural villages Chamwino District council, mobilizing and training community groups to create their own solutions to problems and to bring an end to extreme poverty, Sustainable Agricultural activities, provision of supportive quality Education, affordable Health services, Environmental Conservation and Sanitation in collaboration with the local government.

We as NGO  we do work with local villagers, governmental schools, and governmental hospitals to bring about proper situational education to children from in-conducive family background ie; orphans, by providing school attires, pens, exercise books at primary and secondary levels for the purpose of letting them acquire proper education for them to sustain their coming lives and bring about development to their local families that will bring about positive effects to the community and national wise we currently serve about 30 children from primary school and 30 from secondary schools around us, we improvise health insurances to improve the health status of the community around us to those who can’t afford health services costs at family levels, we also support community education on get lid of early pregnancies and their effects to the young girls and to the whole community as we all know the effects of getting pregnant at the early age is very fatal. We also ensure the women empowerment to enrich and attain equal gender balance everywhere the community we obligate.

        As an NGO we support local government hospitals to in collaboration with the frontrunners from district levels and hospitals in provision of deworming drugs during the campaign(s) and vitamin A oral suspension (USP) that is always conducted in JUNE and DECEMBER each year we as HERES do motivate the health care providers by providing campaign leaflets printed to publicize the campaign but also purchasing the Vitamin A capsules and also asking for support from our contributors to support us the way they can, either financially or with resources. 

one of our front-runner providing health education at community level.

frontrunners providing vaccines and VITAMIN A to children under 5years.

children after being offered Vitamin A with their parents/care takers